Hello! My name is James. I am glad you have stopped by to visit my website, jmgtec.com – I hope that you enjoy your time here. I don’t post too often, and sometimes the things I post are only interesting to me, or tech people 🙂 Anyways, the purpose of the website is for me to share some of the things that I find interesting, or things that are helpful  to solve tech issues I find at work.

Posting the things that I find serve two purposes, one – to help me remember some of the things I’ve done in the past to resolve issues, and two – to help others that may have also encountered the same the tech issues.

Another topic for posts is theology. I am a Lutheran (LCMS), and will on occasion post a quote of something interesting I am reading. Though to be honest, I have not really spent much time reading these last several months.  But that is something I am working on changing.

Thank you for visiting, I hope you come back! Please feel free to leave comments, or contact me!